The 5 Most Nutritious Seeds To Add To Your Diet

Seeds are an excellent addition to any diet


6 Minutes Read

mixed seeds Seeds are packed with nutrients and protein - Media Credit: Adobe Stock

Seeds may be small, but many are nutritional powerhouses. Due to the fact that their function is to provide the plants that would grow out of them with a good source of energy, they contain a huge number of nutrients that are beneficial to humans. 

Seeds often get a bad rep, with popular culture often labeling them as tasteless and boring. But this couldn’t be further from the truth. Modern supermarkets stock a wide range of seeds that play a key part in a variety of tasty dishes – from chia pudding to stir fries. If you’re new to seeds and don’t know where to start, we caught up with Andrea Rymer, dietitian at The Vegan Society, to get her take on the best seeds to add to your diet. 

“Seeds are a great source of nutrition, and many following western diets aren’t consuming enough,” Rymer tells Plant Based News. “Seeds are a great source of many essential nutrients including B vitamins, magnesium to support bone, muscle and nerve health; fiber to keep our bowels moving regular; and unsaturated fats (the good fats!).”

Here are Rymer’s picks of the best – and some of the tastiest – seeds you can buy.

Read more: ‘Why I Love These 4 Underrated Vegan Protein Sources’

Sesame seeds

sesame seeds
Pefkos – Sesame seeds are a great source of calcium

Sesame seeds are dense with nutrients and minerals, making them beneficial to eat even in small amounts. Rymer says that “sesame seeds are a good source of calcium needed for healthy bones. They’re also rich in copper, which plays a role in immune function.”

A single tablespoon contains about 7 percent of your daily iron needs and 6 percent of vitamin B1. Sesame seeds are rich in calcium, which is important for bone health as well as the functioning of muscles, nerves, and blood vessels. They contain a variety of B vitamins, including B1, B3, and B6. These support cell function and a healthy metabolism.

“Sesame coated sticky tofu and rice is a great dish for adding sesame seeds to your meals,” says Rymer. “Tahini paste made from sesame seeds is also a worthy cupboard staple, great for making nutritious dressing and sauces!”

Try this quick aubergine curry that packs in 50g of sesame seeds. Or pick from these 10 tahini recipes, such as the roasted cauliflower salad with dates and tahini, or the flourless tahini brownies.

Pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seeds, also known as pepitas, are dark green in color and have a slightly nutty taste. They are often eaten roasted, and make an excellent snack on their own or as an addition to granola, salads, soups, or can be turned into seed butter.

“Pumpkin seeds are a fab source of quality protein, with a great amino acid profile, as well as providing a rich source of iron and zinc,” says Rymer.

A one ounce serving (a quarter cup, or 28g) of pumpkin seeds packs in 8.45g of protein. An ounce also contains more than a third of your daily requirements of magnesium. This mineral is important for regulating blood pressure, and copper, which helps with the production of red blood cells. You can get 13 percent of your daily iron from a serving of pumpkin seeds, along with 20 percent of daily zinc. Zinc contributes to a healthy immune system and DNA synthesis.

Read more: Plant-Rich Diets Boost Gut Health, Study Finds

Pumpkin seeds are a great source of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA). ALA is a polyunsaturated fatty acid which has been linked to a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease. Being rich in antioxidants, pumpkin seeds may also provide some protection from cancer. One study found a reduced risk of breast cancer in postmenopausal women who ate more pumpkin seeds.

Sprinkle pumpkin seeds on your porridge or granola, or on salads and soups. Why not try turning pumpkin seeds into tofu? Or try making these cranberry and seed breakfast bars as a healthy snack.

Chia seeds

two bowls of blueberries and cream chia pudding
The Experiment Chia pudding is an effortless high-protein breakfast

Chia seeds have been hailed as a superfood because they are so nutrient dense. They are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, protein, and vitamins and minerals. Just a two tablespoon serving packs in 5g of ALA and 4.7g of protein, providing 18 essential and non-essential amino acids.

One serving also contains a huge 9.8g of fiber, which is a third of your daily needs. Many people eat too little fiber, which is only found in plant foods. Fiber is crucial for digestive health. A diet with enough fiber in it is also linked to a lower risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and some cancers.

Among the other nutrients that chia seeds provide are calcium, iron, zinc, magnesium, and several B vitamins.

“Chia seeds are great for adding to berries to make chia jam, or soaking a couple of tablespoons in a cup of plant milk for a delicious chia pudding dessert,” says Rymer.These tiny seeds can be sprinkled on all kinds of meals to make them more nutritious. Or try this “blueberries and cream” chia pudding for breakfast or dessert.


“Also known as ground linseed, flaxseed is rich in folate and is another good source of essential omega-3 fats,” says Rymer.

Due to their ALA and antioxidant content, flaxseeds have been linked to a healthier gut microbiome and a reduced risk of breast cancer. They contain phytosterols, natural compounds that block the body’s absorption of bad cholesterol, making flaxseeds good for the heart. Flaxseeds are also a source of protein, fiber, and magnesium.

“[Flaxseed] is a must-have ingredient for baking, whether using as an egg replacer or making your own batch of flaxseed muffins for a handy snack on-the-go,” Rymer says.

Flaxseeds soaked in water take on a gelatinous texture, making them a good substitute for eggs. You can easily add more of them to your diet by sprinkling them on breakfast foods, salads, and soups. This recipe for a gluten-free, vegan asparagus quiche uses flaxseeds and quinoa to make the crust. Or try making these crispy green beans fries as an alternative to chips, using flaxseed as a coating.

Sunflower Seeds

Sunflower seeds pack in a huge range of nutrients. They’re rich in unsaturated fatty acids which help to lower blood pressure. Research indicates that eating 30g of sunflower seeds a day can help to lower blood sugar, making them beneficial to people with type 2 diabetes.

Sunflower seeds have anti-inflammatory properties due to containing compounds such as flavanoids. The seeds provide vitamin B6 and B9, and are particularly high in B5. They’re also a great source of selenium, copper, and vitamin E.

“A portion of sunflower seeds provides 90 percent of your daily vitamin E needs, to help protect our cells against damage,” says Rymer.

Try making sunflower seeds in a healthy plant-based cheese, or add them to a homemade granola.

Read more: The 9 Healthiest Fruits, According To Nutritionists

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