Stella McCartney’s sustainable vegan skincare brand STELLA has launched a new initiative called Stella Voices. The campaign seeks to bolster the work of five climate activists from environmental, philanthropic, and social justice spheres.
The fashion designer-turned-beauty-mogul has partnered with ethologist Dr. Jane Goodall, climate activist Xiye Bastida, and ecology advocate Poppy Okotcha. Social transformation campaigner Christabel Reed and climate communicator Tammy Gan complete the line-up of collaborators.
In a statement, McCartney iterated that the STELLA skincare brand looks to drive change. It aims to do so by offering its global platform to “change-makers,” and “amplifying the important messages.”
McCartney added: “I am thrilled to be collaborating with [the Stella Voices], building together this bold community who believe in doing things differently.”
The concept also centers around individuals being environmentally conscious and mindful about personal care, while still being focused on significant issues.
“It’s about informing people that don’t know about the work that we’re all individually doing, and bringing to the forefront this idea that caring about beauty and beautiful things means you can also care about the planet,” McCartney told British Vogue.
Who do the Stella Voices being to?
Xiye Bastida

A globally recognized youth activist, Bastida campaigns for climate awareness and is leading the charge to make younger generations environmentally aware.
Aged 20, she has already been given a UN Spirit Award (in recognition of her climate activism) and co-founded the international organization Re-Earth. This project, launched with Joseph Wilkanowski, shines a light on the intersectionality of the climate crisis. Particular focus is given to Indigenous communities.
Dr. Jane Goodall

Considered to be one of the world’s leading experts on chimpanzees, Goodall is a committed conservationist and environmental advocate.
Her work continues through the Jane Goodall Institute, which has branches in 25 countries. Furthermore, she is globally regarded as one of the most influential and important women of our time. To this end, she was immortalized as a limited-edition Barbie doll in 2022.
Poppy Okotcha

Taking a holistic approach in line with McCartney’s own, Okotcha talks in depth about replenishing the Earth and its ecosystems.
Another major focus for Okotcha is the idea of circularity and the nourishment of our bodies. She looks at how growing food at home can embrace both.
Tammy Gan

Gan is a digital content creator and a self-proclaimed “activist in progress.” She uses her platform to share and distribute information about the climate crisis and potential solutions. However, she prioritizes doing so in the most egalitarian ways possible.
Taking her activism further, Gan campaigns for climate justice, not just awareness. She also wants to contribute to the regeneration of the world.
Christabel Reed

Combining climate education with spirituality, Reed has launched two separate platforms, EcoResolution and Adaya, to promote wellbeing in every sense.
She is in the process of launching a third enterprise, called Earthed. This will offer users the chance to gain nature skills for conservation purposes.