Nicole Whittle, also known as Vegan Beauty Girl, recently released a video titled Vegan 2025: A Trend Forecast, which explored possible plant-based trends that we will see in 2025.
With 17 years of experience in the movement and a prominent voice in vegan advocacy, Vegan Beauty Girl delves into the evolving landscape of veganism. Her analysis tackles key issues such as the changes in plant-based terminology, animal rights wins, and the potential of cultivated meat to revolutionize the food industry. Through data-driven insights and cultural observations, she outlines the challenges and triumphs shaping the vegan movement in 2025.
You can watch the full video, and find an outline of some of her points, below.
The ‘decline’ of veganism: a reality check
Whittle opened her video by addressing the common perception that veganism is on the decline. Online interest in veganism did hit a peak a few years ago amid skyrocketing curiosity about a movement that was, for many, something they didn’t know anything about. There were also multiple well-publicized and never-before-seen vegan launches from brands. Whittle noted that “Google search terms really do confirm that we hit peak veganism in [January] 2020.” While veganism’s explosive online popularity may have slowed, Whittle rejected the idea of a decline of veganism, arguing that the movement has instead “plateaued” after years of momentum. “We’ve maintained a lot of the growth and intrigue we had over the last five to 10 years,” she emphasized, pointing to shifts like the normalization of plant milks as a lasting win. A study published in January 2024 found that the number of vegans in the UK rose by 1 million in 2023, indicating that veganism is still very much on the rise.
Read more: New Research Highlights Growing Plant-Based Shift In The UK
Ultra-processed foods: a misplaced villain
The backlash against ultra-processed foods has emerged as a key challenge for vegans. Whittle acknowledged that a diet of entirely processed foods isn’t ideal, whatever diet you’re on, but she argued that vegan options like vegan meats are unfairly singled out. “Whether you’re eating a vegan chicken nugget or a meat chicken nugget, it is an ultra-processed food,” she explained. She also predicted a growing demand for vegan products with shorter, recognizable ingredient lists, as brands respond to these criticisms. “I don’t think we necessarily need that, but I think they [the brands] can see that a lot of people want that and there’s money to be made from creating these products.”
Plant-based over vegan labels
The term “plant-based” is steadily replacing “vegan” in many animal-free food options on menus. Whittle highlighted studies revealing that consumers are more likely to choose “plant-based” options, even when the products are identical. “We need to not be precious about this as vegans,” she urged, calling on the community to embrace language that resonates with a broader audience. She also called for a legal definition of “plant-based” to prevent confusion and ensure clarity for consumers, as some products labeled as such may not always be suitable for vegans.
Cultivated meat: a game changer
Whittle identified cultivated meat as a groundbreaking innovation that could transform the food system within the next five years. “This is going to be huge,” she said, explaining that lab-grown meat offers a cruelty-free alternative without sacrificing taste or texture. Once it becomes cheaper to produce, Whittle predicted, cultivated meat could dominate the market, relegating traditional meat to a luxury status.
Animal rights wins
While much of the conversation around veganism in the mainstream focuses on health and the environmental, Whittle reminded viewers that animal rights remain central to the movement. She celebrated recent victories, including Queen Camilla’s commitment to avoid buying new fur, and major brands like Max Mara and Victoria’s Secret banning fur and feathers from their products respectively. She anticipates that we will continue to see wins for animals throughout this year. Campaigns like Lush’s push to phase out animal testing also signal major progress for animal welfare.
Read more: ‘Plant-Based Aquatic Ingredients’ Tipped To Be Major 2025 Food Trend