Birmingham is the UK’s “easiest place to be vegan,” according to a new study by animal rights organization Viva!.
The study reveals the growing accessibility and preference for vegan options in UK restaurants, particularly in major cities. In Birmingham, more than six in 10 adults are pleased with the range of plant-based options on restaurant menus.
Cities including Manchester and London also scored highly (62 percent satisfaction). Liverpool and Leicester completed the top five, with 60 percent and 55 percent respectively.
A spokesperson for Viva! said in a statement: “In the UK we’re lucky to have such a diverse range of eateries on our doorstep. It’s great to see some of the big cities in the UK leading the way when it comes to the number of plant-based options available as they are the most environmentally friendly option.”
Veganism on the rise
Veganism has experienced a remarkable surge in popularity in the past decade. From what was once a niche lifestyle choice, veganism is now a mainstream way of living.
With millions of vegans and many more followers of a plant-based diet, the movement has grown rapidly and, with that, has also become increasingly accessible.
Earlier this month, a study showed that there are 1.1 million more vegans in the UK than a year ago.
From high-profile documentaries to celebrity endorsements, veganism has well and truly burst into the mainstream.
Birmingham is the easiest place to be vegan

The research involved gathering insights from 2,000 individuals, half of whom are vegan.
Respondents, including meat-eaters, cited health benefits, environmental concerns, and cost-effectiveness as key reasons for choosing meat-free meals.
All this extra demand has spurred innovation and a significant improvement in the variety and quality of vegan food options available in supermarkets and restaurants, and cafes. As such, veganism has become more accessible and appealing than ever before.
Indeed, the study underscores the importance of offering vegan options in all restaurants.
Almost four in five respondents from Birmingham believe that it’s important for local eateries to provide a wide range of vegan options on the menu.
The Top 5 Places To Be Vegan:
- Birmingham (63 percent)
- London (62 percent)
- Manchester (62 percent)
- Liverpool (60 percent)
- Leicester (55 percent)