Calling all chocolate lovers: this one’s just for you

- 250 ml Organic coconut cream
- 2 tbsp organic coconut oil
- 2 tbsp maple syrup
- 1/2 tsp vanilla powder or essence – or 2 tbsp orange essence for a choc orange version
- 100 g bar vegan chocolate
- 1 tbsp raw cacao
- 2 cups organic walnuts
- 10 large medjool dates
- 2 tbsp raw cacao
- 2 tbsp buckwheat groats
- Pinch sea salt
- Firstly break up the chocolate & add to a large bowl.
- Heat the coconut cream, coconut oil, maple syrup & vanilla in a saucepan until just before boiling. Stir constantly.
- Pour the mix over the chocolate and leave for a few minutes to allow the chocolate to melt.
- Fold in the raw cacao and stir gently so that everything is combined. Pop in the fridge while you make the base.
For the base
- To make the base blitz the walnuts in your food processor until you get a crumb like consistency. Add in the dates, cacao, buckwheat, and salt and blend again until everything combines. The mix should stick together between your fingers.
- Add the mixture to your a pie tin. (I used a 8 inch loose bottom pie tin greased with some coconut oil). Press down firmly with you hands – press up the sides.
- Remove the ganache from the fridge and pour onto the base. Transfer back to your fridge and allow to set from at least 2- 3hrs. Test to see if it’s set.
- Serve with blueberries and banana ice cream.
For the baseThis recipe was republished with permission from Rebel Recipes. Find the original recipe here.