A medical doctor has responded to Bear Grylls’ claim that breaking wind is a “sign your gut’s not very happy.”
Read more: Nutritionist Responds After Bear Grylls Endorses ‘Butter And Beef’ Diet
Grylls, who famously moved from a plant-based to a mostly carnivorous diet, made the comments in a 2022 BBC interview with Louis Theroux. “I used to break wind all the time,” the adventurer said. “I haven’t broken wind in years now.”
“I don’t think breaking wind is great thing,” he added. “I think it’s a sign your gut’s not very happy.” Grylls then went on to say that he eats steak twice a day and not a lot of vegetables.
Are farts unhealthy?
Sharing the clip to Instagram, in collaboration with FoodFacts.org, Dr. Alan Desmond said that there’s “so much wrong” with Grylls’ claims about farts.
“The gas that we parp out is a normal digestive function and nothing to be embarrassed by,” Dr. Desmond said. “In fact, it’s produced by healthy gut bacteria as they ferment plant fiber and resistant starch to produce the beneficial short chain fatty acids that do so much to improve and protect our health, keep our gut healthy, reduce chronic inflammation, help to control our blood sugars, and help to regulate our appetite. And, yes, their production also produces gas.”
Read more: What Are ‘Ancestral Supplements’ And Why Does Bear Grylls Want Us To Take Them?
Bear Grylls’ diet

Grylls previously followed a plant-based diet, but he has since become a vocal advocate for carnivorous eating patterns. This is despite the fact that diets heavy in meat are linked to a number of serious health conditions.
This isn’t the first time Grylls has been called out by a medical professional for making statements about diets and nutrition that aren’t backed by science. His daily diet allegedly consists of steak, 3-6 eggs, Greek yogurt, fruit, and electrolyte water. In response to his endorsement of such foods, consultant hematologist and founder of Plant Based Health Professionals UK Dr. Shireen Kassam previously told Plant Based News: “Eating red meat such as steak everyday is detrimental to long-term health and will significantly increase the risk of chronic conditions such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, certain cancers, and dementia.”
Read more: Bear Grylls On Choosing Meat Over Vegan Food: ‘Broccoli Can’t Defend Itself’