New Plant-Based Chicken Thighs By THIS Have Seaweed ‘Skin’

Plant-based meat is getting more and more realistic


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Vegan chicken thighs with seaweed "skin" from THIS The new chicken thighs are available to buy now - Media Credit: THIS

The types of meat products being made from plants continues to expand well Beyond burgers. It’s now possible to buy plant-based chicken thighs, thought to be the first on the market, made by UK brand THIS.

Read more: Impossible Wants To ‘Solve The Meat Problem With More Meat’

The plant-based brand says it has created “hyper-realistic” chicken thighs complete with “skin” made of seaweed. THIS uses extrusion technology to create the meat-like fibrous texture from soy and fava bean protein. Juiciness comes from olive oil-based fat.

“We’re reinventing the way people experience plant-based dining and we’re incredibly excited to share our latest product launch, THIS™ Isn’t Chicken Thighs,” new CEO Mark Cuddigan said in a statement.

A bowl of rice and THIS vegan chicken thighs
THIS The “chicken” thighs are completely free from animal products

The chicken thighs, sold in packs of four, are available in Tesco stores UK-wide now. They can be oven-baked or pan-fried to achieve the crispy texture of chicken skin.

Read more: Daiya Launches Dry Powdered Mac And Cheese

Whole cuts growing in popularity

Plant-based meat companies have typically made replicas of ground and processed meat products such as burgers and sausages. But more are now making whole cut-style products.

Earlier in 2024, THIS launched plant-based chicken breasts, made to be pan-fried until golden brown on the outside and white on the inside. Juicy Marbles makes “beef” filets and loins using soy protein. Redefine Meat 3D-prints “beef” tenderloin and flank which you can eat in certain UK restaurants. A 3D-printed plant-based salmon filet by Austrian company Revo Foods is available in German and Austrian supermarkets.

Read more: Dairy And Oat Blended Milk Sparks Backlash

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