- Coconut cream 250ml
- Coconut milk 50ml
- Icing sugar 1 table spoon
- Cookie butter biscoff biscuit spread 2 table spoons
- Granulated sugar 2 table spoons
- Desiccated coconut 1 table spoon
- Pour the coconut milk and cream into a mixing bowl and sieve in the icing sugar
- Use an electric mixer to whisk until light, fluffy, and thick
- Stir in two tablespoons of cookie butter and gently mix with a spatula
- Cover the mixture and cool in the refrigerator for at least two hours before emptying the mixture into ramekins – leaving a small space below the rim to allow for sugar
- Empty into the top of the ramekin and use the flat side of a table knife to run across the edge and level the sugar
- Now, the top can be caramelized by either placing the ramekin under a grill to melt the sugar and allow the top to crisp. Or, use a chef’s torch, keeping a uniform distance between the torch flame and the sugar, begin to caramelize the sugar and then move the flame around the top until all of the sugar is caramelized
- Dust with desiccated coconut and serve