Banana blossom
- 2 tins banana blossom drained and rinsed well (you can buy banana blossom from Sainsbury’s, Holland & Barrett, online and Asian supermarkets)
- 2-3 tbsp seaweed sprinkles/flakes eg Clearspring Nori Sprinkles
- Juice of half a lemon
- Small bowl of plain flour for coating ‘fish’
- Salt
Beer batter
- 200 g/1? cups plain flour
- 1½ tsp baking powder
- 275 ml/1? scant cups vegan beer chilled or use sparkling water or alcohol-free beer
- 1 tsp salt
- 1 L/4 cups vegetable oil for deep frying
- Optional serving suggestions: chips lemon wedges, coleslaw, peas, mushy peas, vegan mayo, tartar sauce, tomato sauce. Or for healthier options serve with quinoa and salad. For quick sides, use convenience versions of all options mentioned.
Banana blossom
- Heat a large saucepan (just under) half full of vegetable oil on a medium heat or around 180?C and while you’re waiting for it to heat up, start making everything else.
- Carefully separate the whole pieces of banana blossom and spread them out onto a large plate. Discard the smaller pieces (which have separated off) and set aside to use in another recipe or to put in a salad or stir fry.
- Pour the lemon juice evenly over the banana blossom then cover them with the seaweed flakes (add more if necessary) and a good sprinkling of salt. Set aside while you make the batter.
Beer batter
- Mix the plain flour, baking powder and salt in a large bowl and then when fully combined whisk in the beer.
- Dip the banana blossom pieces into the bowl of plain flour then into the batter and lower carefully into the hot oil. Fry until crisp and golden.
- Repeat this stage until all pieces are cooked.
- Squeeze fresh lemon over the top and serve with optional serving suggestions. Enjoy ?