A longevity summit in Boston, US, hosted by TedX on October 1 will feature several experts in longevity and plant-based health.
Nearly two dozen experts in nutrition, heart health, sleep, and exercise will come together for the Unlocking Longevity summit. Among them will be Dr. Michael Greger, Dr. Columbus Batiste, and Toni Macaskill.
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The summit is billed as bringing together the experts to “share their research on the promise of extending human longevity and optimizing health while stewarding the planet.”
Many studies have shown that plant-based diets have numerous co-benefits for human health and the environment.
The plant-based experts

Dr. Greger is the author of many books on nutrition including How Not to Die and How Not to Age. He is the founder of NutritionFacts.org and a founding member and Fellow of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine.
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Dr. Batiste, known as the Healthy Heart Doc online, is a cardiologist and author. He aims to educate Americans about lifestyle changes they can make to prevent chronic diseases, particularly Black Americans who are disproportionately at risk of illnesses like diabetes and heart disease. His new book Selfish provides a blueprint for a healthy heart: coping with stress and plant-based nutrition.
Toni MacAskill is a researcher at Plant Chompers, a YouTube channel about health and nutrition.
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