Why Are People Quitting Keto And Carnivore Diets?

Despite what some influencers tell you, carnivore diets are not healthy


5 Minutes Read

Paul Saladino on the More Plates More Dates podcast Paul Saladino announced he'd quit the carnivore diet earlier this year - Media Credit: More Plates More Dates

In certain corners of the internet, you will find increasingly popular influencers telling you that eating carnivore and keto diets can improve your health.

Read more: Influencer Throws Up After Being Fed Raw Meat By Eddie Abew

Carnivore diets typically feature only animal products with no fruits and vegetables at all. Keto diets emphasize the importance of high-fat foods alongside limited or no carbohydrates, meaning these also tend to be very high in animal protein too. 

Many proponents of these diets claim they promise things like rapid weight loss, increased energy, and even the reversal of some chronic conditions. Yet the long term reality of these diets is that eating large amounts of animal protein can increase risk of diseases like heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and certain cancers, among many other issues. This means that influencers who promote the “benefits” of animal-based diets may be giving out dangerous advice. 

In 2024, a significant shift is happening as a growing number of people walking away from carnivore and keto diets. YouTuber Goji Man, a vegan and qualified nutritionist, explored the carnivore diet exodus in a recent video, which you can watch below. As well as featuring his own expert advice, the video also explores some case studies of prominent carnivore and keto figures who have spoken out against the diet.

Why are people ditching carnivore diets?

Perhaps the most prominent of the carnivore diet ditchers is Paul Saladino. He was known as the “Carnivore MD” and wrote a book on the alleged benefits of carnivore eating patterns. In May of this year, however, Saladino admitted that he had experienced sleep disturbances, muscle cramps, heart palpitations, and a drop in testosterone levels after two years on the diet. 

“I started to think, maybe long-term ketosis is not great for me,” he said in an interview on the More Plates More Dates podcast. Ketosis is when your body uses fat – not carbs – as its main energy source. Saladino said that he conducted research and concluded that ketosis is “probably not a great thing for most humans.”

Saladino isn’t alone. A key catalyst for people abandoning this diet is the fact that many are experiencing serious health issues months or years after starting it. One notable case study explored in Goji Man’s video is a long-time carnivore follower who, despite leading an otherwise healthy lifestyle – exercising frequently, avoiding alcohol and smoking – suffered an unexpected stroke. Such incidents are leading people to question whether these diets are safe in the long term.

For many who joined the keto and carnivore communities, these diets were initially seen as solutions to specific health problems like autoimmune diseases, gut issues, or even diabetes. By eliminating highly processed foods and focusing solely on fats and proteins, some people do report early improvements. However, some are now speaking out about unpleasant and persistent symptoms that arise over time, such as hormonal imbalances, sleep disturbances, muscle cramps, and mental fatigue. As one former carnivore dieter explained, these symptoms persisted despite managing electrolyte intake and other nutritional tweaks. This realization prompted many to explore whether long-term ketosis or an all-meat diet could be at the root of these issues.

Read more: Nutritionist Responds After Bear Grylls Endorses ‘Butter And Beef’ Diet

Questionable science

A key factor driving this mass exit is the growing awareness of the misleading narratives and oversimplified science pushed by influential figures in the keto and carnivore movements. Critics argue that these influencers often promote a fear-based approach to nutrition, demonizing entire food groups like fruits and vegetables due to so-called “anti-nutrients” like oxalates and lectins. However, such claims are lacking in scientific basis, and diets high in fruits and vegetables are linked to a huge number of positive health outcomes. 

Experts are raising alarms about the potential nutritional deficiencies that can arise from following these restrictive diets. Many former dieters admit that they were not getting adequate vitamins and minerals. One ex-keto advocate noted that on some days, their meals were limited to foods like chicken breast with cheese and heavy cream – lacking the variety and nutrients necessary for long-term health.

Warning over keto and carnivore diets

A pile of raw meat products
Adobe Stock Carnivore and keto diets prioritize meat and other animal products

Plant-based diets have been shown to drastically reduce disease risk, and there is mounting evidence that diets high in animal products have negative health outcomes. In the video, Goji Man urges people to carefully think about following advice from carnivore influencers, particularly when their advice may be financially motivated (many of them have brand deals and books to sell). 

“If you are someone who has issues, please look at the person you are getting advice from on the internet and look at how inconsistent their messaging is,” Goji man says. “Ask yourself what are their motives for giving you that advice, because if money is involved there is a good chance your health is not even a passing thought for that influencer, it’s just another payday.”

He goes on to describe it as “shocking” that influencers with “very little understanding of nutrition” are convincing millions of people to follow their advice. “And then six or 12 months later they flip flop to something else they’ve read on the internet and have no understanding of.”

Goji Man also urges people to be wary of health advice that seems to be too good to be true. “Tell people that they can fix all their health problems in three weeks eating only meat, and people will jump on it because it appears easy,” he says. “Nobody wants to hear the true reality, though. Whether you are losing weight, building a business, or regaining your health, there are no quick fixes in life.”

Read more: The ‘King’ Of Carnivore Diet Admits He Doesn’t Know The Long-Term Effects

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