Strain the wine, reserving both wine and vegetables.
In a large pot, heat 3 tablespoons of vegan butter and a glug of olive oil. Sear seitan on each side until it forms a brown crust, then remove it from the pot.
Add the reserved vegetables to the pot and and sauté for a few minutes, adding more oil if needed.
Return the seitan to the pot, pour in the reserved wine marinade, and stir in the stock powder. If the seitan isn't mostly covered by the wine marinade, top up with water.
Simmer on very low heat for 50 minutes, ensuring the cooking broth doesn’t boil to avoid ruining the seitan's texture. Turn the seitan several times during cooking.
Once cooked, remove the seitan and continue simmering the wine broth over a high heat, reducing it for 10 minutes. Allow the seitan to cool completely before serving. It improves in texture when allowed to rest overnight. Reheat when ready to serve.